Friday, August 1, 2014


3 days in week. Training after class. Jogs approximately 5-10 rounds. Stretching and warm-ups. Gains abs and lose weight. Wins the trophy for the school regional competition. Wait. We have not yet reached that last two parts yet. Well, let me tell you how a group of girls started a girl's team for football. It's all about the commitment and the passion. If you're in it, then you'll never leave it. Aside from the fun, we learn from our training. *Cue soccer team doing advanced techniques* Looks like we're just about to start yet.
Yup. Our first day of practice. (Or probably my first day of practice.) Not that I'm adjusting, but I get along with my teammates so fast. It's fun to be with them especially learning new things about football. Well, I guess all of us are starting from the basics because Coach knows we're not yet ready for advanced techniques. 
Now, there's a team. We're incomplete in that photo though. But I guess you all know the big picture. Assumption Girls Football Team rises. All of us will reign, I suppose. We'll show the whole world that it's not only the boys who can fight for soccer but the girls as well. Currently, our greatest goal is to be trained football players. From knowing a little to knowing a lot. That's my team alright.

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