Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Unbelievable Coke

After reading my post, you'll be a change man or woman. You might even change your mind about drinking Coca-Cola. ;)

We all know that when we get stung by a jellyfish, we have to pee on it. How about pouring Cola all over it? It will surely relieve the pain. 
I guess some of you girls want curly hair so bad. Well here's a secret I'm going to tell you about it. Try opening a can of cola. Leave it overnight. For the next day, pour all the cola onto your hair and rinse with water. 
For campers, out there! Hello! You might want to read this tip in case you get sprayed by a skunk. Simply shower yourself with cola. Leave it there for 10-15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. You'll smell as fresh as ever!!
Worried about smelly laundry? Well, how about pouring cola all over your clothes and soak it for 15 minutes. Then you can wash it after. You'll be amazed of the great smell of your clothes!!!
Cola can also be used to clean windows. It contains citric acid that kills the germs and removes dust from your windows and all the types of glass in your house. Just pour coke over your cloth and clean.
Pests all over your garden? Cut in half a can of cola. Leave your can outside your garden. The insects will get attracted to the sweet smell but the horrible acid will kill them.

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