Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What You Did Not Know About Your iPhone

We all face the same problem whenever our iPhones charge so slow and drains very fast. How about switching on your airplane mode? This helps you charge very fast. Texts or calls drain our phones batteries very fast. Switch it on and your battery will refrain from draining.
Using you iPhone as a calculator and used an endless pattern of numbers? Don't make it hard for yourself to use the backspace button. Simply swipe to the right and all the numbers will be erased. Now, you can use your calculator again once more!
Want to take a picture so bad because it's a matter of time that you'll be taking? You don't need to unlock you screen and look for the camera app. All you have to do is swipe your screen upwards and you can take photos.
Planning for a vacation in a place you're not familiar with? Google Map can help. First, pre-plan your journey on where and what attractions you're planning to go to. In case you're going to a "NO WIFI ZONE" place, all you have to do is look for the locations and close your browser. Even if there's no wi-fi, you can still view it. All you need is your GPS on.

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